New Orleans Tourism Marketing Corporation (NOTMC)
Media Opportunity Worksheet
The mission of the New Orleans Tourism Marketing Corporation is to promote the city as a domestic leisure tourism destination throughout the year with special emphasis on developing visitation during the summer months and the weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year.

We do this through a comprehensive program of research, public relations, promotions, advertising, Internet and other marketing strategies. These strategies are designed to maintain and improve the city's image as a great place to visit, to attract increased numbers of travelers, and to increase tourist spending in New Orleans.

NOTMC Target: A25-64 HHI $50K+, Traveled to NO, LA or Southeast and stayed 3+ nights in hotel
Your name:
Email address:
Media Opportunity:
Editorial/Programming Content:
Circulation/Delivery/Unique Visitors (in Thousands):
Composition of Targeted Demo:
Space and Materials Deadline:
Proposal Deadline:
Markets/Distribution, including geography:
Can you target geographically:
Avg. Household Income and % $50K+:
Avg. Age and % 25-64:
Male vs. Female Audience:
New Orleans Tourism Marketing Corporation (NOTMC)
Media Evaluation Worksheet
NOTMC's prior experience with media opportunity:
(past placements)
Rate Card cost (Net):
Net Cost of Opportunity (% Discount)
Creative Units / Specs:
Added Value (Please provide delivery, value and methodology used)
Any opportunity for editorial coverage: Assign a value
Aside from increasing brand awareness, how will this opportunity bring visitors to the city and help increase hotel bookings?
Additional Comments, including sourced data: